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This website is about a research project dedicated to research on behavioural correlates of familiarity in pedestrian wayfinders. Its basic hypothesis is that people change their behaviour as a function of the degree as to which they know an area they are walking through. This change in behaviour can be subtle and unconscientious. Hence, a variety of sensors (GPS receiver, IMU sensors and mobile eye tracking devices) is involved. I am going to use inductive statistics as well as artificial intelligence methods to analyze this sensory data.

Markus Kattenbeck carries out the research throughout this project. He is a post-doctoral researcher specializing in in-situ human subject studies on wayfinding, spatial cognition and human information behaviour.

Throughout this project, Dr. Kattenbeck is being mentored by Prof. Dr. Ioannis Giannopoulos (Geoinformation, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, TU Wien) and Prof. Dr. Daniel R. Montello (Geographer, Department of Geography, UC Santa Barbara).

This project is being funded by the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 101026774.
BENEFICIARY: TU Wien (formerly known as Vienna University of Technology)